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Carpet Water Damage
Carpet water damage must be taken seriously for at least two important reasons. First, indoor carpeting is an investment, and if we can restore it you avoid replacement costs. Second, within a day or at the most 48 hours, even clean water can grow mold and bacteria that are a serious health hazard. The carpet and padding sop up water like a towel, and it must be professionally removed – in a timely manner.
Call us quickly when you suffer carpet water damage.
Floods, broken pipes and fire sprinklers take a toll on carpeting in homes and businesses. Our professional technicians armed with the newest equipment can take steps to clean carpet water damage and then recondition and restore existing carpet.
The number is 404-721-1632 in Georgia
and 904-701-3711 in Florida.
You will get a technician on the line to help you.
The length of time carpets have been under water is a primary consideration. The damage to the backing gets worse the longer the carpet sits in water. Carpet fibers are held together with polyurethane backing which water destroys. This makes our professional water extraction essential. We will use powerful pumps and custom designed water extracting machines to get carpeting out from under standing water.
After water extraction high speed fans are pointed at the surface of the carpet, to speed drying. Since the padding under carpet must be dried, too, we separate the pad from the carpet so that drying air reaches the carpet water damage on the underside, too. At the same time we must employ commercial grade dehumidifiers to get moisture out of the air quickly. Excess indoor humidity slows drying and encourages microbes.
Carpets generally need microbe-killing treatment to ward off mold and mildew. Your carpet will be treated – fogged and sprayed -- with an anti-microbial to inhibit the growth and spread of mold and mildew. This must happen with 72 hours of carpet water damage occurring because mildew starts feeding off of the organic matter in the carpet and mold starts germinating. Steam cleaning will also eliminate bad odors in carpet that had been very wet. There are also enzymes that can be fogged that work at the molecular level to break up odor causers. Mold gradually destroys whatever material it grows on. It is an allergen, and irritant and harmful to the respiratory system.
As further evidence of the hazard mold presents, if our crews have to engage in mold removal due to carpet water damage that cannot be reversed; they wear personal protective equipment including gloves, a respirator, and goggles. If mold is more serious, they may add disposable overalls for additional safety. An entire home or business space with moldy carpet may put crews in disposable full body clothing, head gear, foot coverings, and a respirator that covers the entire face and has a special filter. They use a HEPA air filter to entrap mold spores circulating with the air.
Replacing padding and cleaning carpets with hot water extraction equipment (steam cleaning) is often the final step in repairing carpet water damage. Padding that was immersed or was soaked for long periods of time will likely warp and clot and cannot be smoothed enough when the carpet is set down again. We may not be able to save the padding, but we have years of experience salvaging carpeting.
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